Charlotte and Matt got married in Burton in Lonsdale, North Yorkshire on April 13th 2019. Their amazing florist was Greenbanks Florists, Kendal & Gill Peterson. Charlottes hairstylist was Steph Westray and her makeup artist was the lovely Fiona Whittet. (All linked on the Facebook post.)
The most amazing parts of Charlotte + Matt’s big day:
They tied the knot in a beautiful church just behind Charlotte’s parents house, the house she grew up in, how amazing must that have have felt!
They had a surprise choir walked down the aisle just after they said I do!
The tables were named after mountains + they handmade the table plan.
During his speech Charlotte’s dad finally gave her a pair of stilts as a present after she asked for them time and time again as a child.
Charlotte and Matt were surrounded by their beautiful friends and family all day and looked like the happiest couple in the world. I wish them all the best in their married life! xoxo